Monday, September 14, 2009

Recycled Fixes

I love to tinker and fix things around the house especially when I can reuse and recycle materials in the fix. We recently moved into a new place and I have been fixing things around the house (still a rental, our landlords are lucky). The yard is totally thrashed and I have been slowly cleaning it up. In addition to not caring for the yard, the previous renters had a dog, which did not help matters. I decided to start small, and reworked the dirt patch on the side of the drive way. Using bricks I found wedged under the fence in various place (I assume to keep the dog from digging out), I build the brick pad you see below to keep the garbage cans on. I planted some greens and a tomato next to the pad.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Protect Marriage!

Marriage is under attack...from divorce. Did you know that over 50% end in divorce? We need to protect marriage and end divorce!

here's a gem: "When my child read that Ronald Reagan had gotten a divorce in his history textbook, he cried for a week. Shame on you, public school system!"

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Opt Out.

Tired of credit card solicitations? I found this website where you can opt of those annoying credit card solicitations: if you would like to do the whole process again, you can opt-out for five years; otherwise you can opt-opt permanently, but that requires mailing in a form you print out .

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Collect them all!

I was going through my old baseball cards this weekend and I found a few desert storm cards from the first gulf war, All I can say is WTF?! "Hey kids, laying a land-mine is fun!" "We call indiscriminately killing people with bombs dropped from planes 'Carpet Bombing.'" I can't believe these were ever made, let alone that I have some in my possession!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Republicans Still Floundering

Really?! Comon' Republicans can't you do better? You have Kenneth from 30 Rock or Mr. Rogers (depending who you ask) giving your rebuttal. He could not have been more patronizing if he had tried. Mr. Jindal it is not persuasive when you say you are not taking stimulus money but are actually taking 3.7 of the 3.8 billion dollars offered. I think you should take it, just don't act like your not.

So, for those of you counting at home, the list of new Republican leader are:

Sarah Palin- VP nominee (ignorant Alaskan pit-bull)
Michael Steele- RNC Chairman (wants to "apply [Republican ideas] to urban-suburban hip-hop
Bobby Jindal- Louisiana Governor (see above).

Republicans, you can do better.
As Advertised
(Obama a presidential review)

Thus far, I am quite pleased with how true to the campaign the Obama Presidency has been. Everyone is watching and critiquing the presidency thus far, so I add my voice. First of the tone and tenor of the administration is completely different than the Bush administration. While the bi-partisan efforts have been largely snubbed by the republican, his efforts seem genuine and he is engaging them, so there is promise in the future. Despite the current economic collapse, which has taken a good measure of attention, he is addressing the problem and incorporating policy measures that reflect his the campaign platform: universal access to health care, energy investment with environmental reform and investment in education. There have been other policy changes, the closing of Gitmo, the end of torture, acknowledgement of Afganistan as a regional problem in the context of Pakistan and India and the plan for draw-down in Iraq. There have been specific legislative measures as well, SCHIP for child health care, the Leadbeater act for fair pay. Obama has done more than most presidents do in their first hundred days and has looked good doing it. It is great who has mastery of the English language.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pretty much dead on...

Demetri Martin has a new show on comedy central (you may recognize him from the daily show). I love this sketch! you should check out his other stuff too.